In an individual mentoring session, we get to know each other and understand your previous fertility journey. Together we will analyse your life situation and adapt it to the possibilities of our partner clinic. Under certain conditions, Instituto guarantees a 100% pregnancy guarantee. Our partner clinic also offers every client a standardised, safe path to the birth of their child by means of extensive DNA analysis. Based on our experience, we understand your wishes and your fears.
Your wishes and your life situation are at the centre of the journey ahead. pariendi will be happy to organise your individual journey to the partner clinic. If you wish, we can accompany you on this journey and create an atmosphere of calm and serenity – the most important prerequisites for your pregnancy. We look forward to getting to know you.
pariendi GmbH
Peter-Rosegger-Straße 19
93133 Burglengenfeld
Phone: +49 (0) 9471 3189860
© pariendi 2023